simple me

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

full -time housewife

Daughter's comment on seeing me re-arrange the furniture and cleaning the house " I think the house would look real nice if you are a full-time housewife!" Is that a compliment?

Actually, I am making way for 2 new cabinets for her books and 2 new (small) wardrobes for myself. My girl is accumulating lots of books, for revision purposes. Many times she wishes that a day has more than 24 hours for her to accomplish more in her revision and reading .Only form one now, pray along with me that she won't get burned out. At the book store recently , and after going through some books on the shelf, she exclaimed, " I want! I want!" I know, I should be thankful to have such a conscientious daughter. Son is the complete opposite of her


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