simple me

Saturday, October 10, 2009

PMR exam

It was the first day of my daughter's PMR exam. I was focussed on upholding her in prayer during the time when she was actually

sitting for the papers. Imagine my surprise when I discovered at the end of the day, after her papers have ended, that I was wearing a pair

of unmatched sandals. They were both in the same colour and height but of completely different designs.

This speaks to me of 2 things. One, if only I would allow myself to be so focussed on Jesus daily, I will not be so easily distracted

by anything that comes my way. Hebrews 3 v 1 "...fix your thoughts on Jesus..."

On discovering that I was wearing the wrong pair of shoes, I quickly went to to change into a matching pair. Thinking to myself,

how quickly will I respond if I am convicted of a sin in my life ? Or do I allow my spirit to be numbed and not respond

in repentance?

Prayer: That my heart will always be a heart of flesh and always sensitive to the Holy Spirit


  • the kids are sitting the exams but it's the parents who are overly anxious!

    By Blogger doc, at 7:00 AM  

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