right tip
My new furniture came today but they forgot anotherset of chest drawers and had to make a return trip to the shop. My 2 small hanging wardrobes have been put to good use. I know I need to clear clothes which I have not worn for maybe, less than 10 times the past year. Is that a good way to keep track of what should be given away?
By the way, I asked the delivery guys to dispose my old sofa set. I tipped each one ( there were 2 of then) RM 15 each after making them a cup fo coffee .Tell me, is this too little or too much?
By the way, I asked the delivery guys to dispose my old sofa set. I tipped each one ( there were 2 of then) RM 15 each after making them a cup fo coffee .Tell me, is this too little or too much?
Tipping is how you feel about the service you were provided. The question should be, were you happy with the way they did business? Then the tip was right.
Dean aka Sgt Dub, at 10:47 AM
i agree with sgt dub...whether u feel alright with their services..i think generally malaysians will give in the range of rm 10 to rm 20..
eve, at 10:05 PM
WOW..that's a big tip!
plus, if u hvn't worn something in the last 6 months...THROW IT OUT! Or..donate to charity! It's highly likely you won't be wearing EVER again!
Anonymous, at 10:32 PM
sgt dub and eve, it did make me feel good
mott,big huh?
every 6 months? OK! Then can shop and help boost the economy
just me, at 11:19 PM
I'm always broke..so I would say...that's a lot! ..hahaha :D
Anonymous, at 2:53 AM
wah so generous...
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM
mango,know what you mean
jl, thanks!
just me, at 1:27 AM
if yours is the usual 3+2+1 sofa set, then i think it's a fair amount bcos those things ARE heavy. anyway, the men will know how to make a few extra ringgit when they dispose off the sofa.
doc, at 8:38 AM
doc, it was only a 3 seater.
just me, at 4:33 AM
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